Scott Kosnoff loves his job. He’s a top-notch regulatory, transactional and public policy lawyer who has been making the world a safer place for clients for more than 30 years. Scott advises insurance companies, regulators and others nationwide on: *Artificial intelligence, Big Data and algorithms (advising clients on fast-developing regulatory and ethical standards, helping them participate in the development of those standards and protecting them from regulatory, litigation and reputational harm). * Mergers, acquisitions and multistate regulatory approvals (Form A filings, Form E filings, public hearings, the whole nine yards). * Reinsurance transactions and Insurance Business Transfers. * International insurance regulation — including standard setting by the Financial Stability Board, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development — and what it means for U.S.-based companies. * State-based insurance regulation, including action at the NAIC. * Federal legislative, regulatory and policy developments involving Congress, Treasury, the Federal Insurance Office, the FDIC and the Fed. * Holding company and corporate governance issues, including board duties and disclosure requirements. * Risk transfer arrangements between health insurers/HMOs and providers/health care intermediaries. * Troubled company and insolvency matters. * Suitability, the best interest standard, sales practices and compliance assessments/gap analysis. * Market conduct and regulatory matters of all shapes and sizes. Desert Island Must-Haves U2, Star Trek, Iced Tea with Extra Lemon