It is our honor to present this third edition of Volume 33 of the FORC Journal of Insurance Law and Regulation. Dan Cotter & Stephen W. Schwab, Journal Co-Editors
By Daniel A. Cotter, Esq. of HOWARD & HOWARD ATTORNEYS PLLC This paper addresses the actions taken by Lloyd’s in the cyber market in the last few years, including the most recent August action that requires exclusion of cyber attacks by those that are state actors.
By Fred E. Karlinsky, Esq., Timothy F. Stanfield, Esq., and Christian Brito, Esq. of GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. In this article we discuss this evolving topic and examine its potential impact on the insurance industry.
By Elizabeth F. Martini, Esq. of BRICKER & ECKLER LLP An insurer’s profitability typically rises and falls in concert as interest rates increase or decrease and impacts its operations in a number of areas.