FORC Journal - Vol. 32 Edition 2 - Summer 2021

It is our honor to present this second edition of Volume 32 of the FORC Journal of Insurance Law and Regulation. Thank you for your participation.
Dan Cotter & Kori Johanson, Journal Co-Editors

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Repeal of the Federal Annual Fee on Health Insurance Providers

By  J. Brent Moore, Esq. of MONTGOMERY & ANDREWS, P.A.
This article will examine the origin and establishment of the Fund, its funding source, and its proposed attempt to provide increased health insurance coverage beginning January 1, 2022.

Cybersecurity Programs Will Become Increasingly Scrutinized By The Insurance Regulators

By  Daniel A. Cotter, Esq. of HOWARD & HOWARD ATTORNEYS PLLC
On March 1, 2017, 23 NYCRR 500 became effective.

Divided We Stand

By  Stephen W. Schwab, Esq. of DLA PIPER LLP (US)
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the Illinois transaction for practitioners.

Update on Surprises in Emergency Medical Care and Other Surprise Medical Bills

The end of an era of nasty surprises for consumers of emergency medical care, and of surprise medical bills, is at hand.

Cybersecurity in the Insurance Industry

By  Fred E. Karlinsky, Esq., Timothy F. Stanfield, Esq., and Christian Brito, Esq. of GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A.
This article focuses on two key data breach notification requirements applicable to insurance companies and agencies.