Here’s the latest action-packed edition of the FORC Journal. Read it, love it and forward it to all your friends.
Scott Kosnoff, Editor
By T. Stephen C. Taylor, Esq., BASS, BERRY & SIMS, PLC The Model Law, which has been adopted by a majority of the states, includes certain exemptions from the licensure requirement for insurance companies engaging directly and indirectly as administrators.
By Daniel C. Brown, Esq., CARLTON FIELDS JORDEN BURT, P.A. & Kelly A. Cruz-Brown, Esq., CARLTON FIELDS JORDEN BURT, P.A. Florida has expansive public records disclosure laws, which emanate from the Florida Constitution.
By Glennon J. Karr, Esq., GLENNON J. KARR, LLC, ATTORNEY AT LAW Although changes made to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) by the new HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act) law, passed as part of ARRA, the American Recovery Act of 20093, i
By Kimberly A. Yelkin, Esq., GARDERE WYNNE SEWELL, LLP & Leslie R. Robnett, Esq., GARDERE WYNNE SEWELL, LLP Imagine you commute to work down a neighborhood road marred by potholes. You beg your local government to fix them, but your local government ignores you, claiming that it's not in the budget to fix potholes.
By Richard J. Fidei, Esq., GREENBERG TRAURIG LLP & Fred E. Karlinsky, Esq., GREENBERG TRAURIG LLP The internet and electronic mail have significantly changed the way insurance companies and agents transact business.