3/27/2020 Georgia Bulletin No. 20-EX-5 - Health - Addresses loss of health insurance due to COVID19 and possibilities for those losing coverage Including COBRA, ACA special enrollment period, and Georgia’s Continuation law (known as miniCORBA for employer-based small group plans). For individuals whose insurance is not employer sponsored, the bulletin references the March 20, 2020 directive to all health insurers to refrain from canceling health policies for non-payment.

3/26/2020 Georgia Directive 20-EX-7 - Health - Advises A&H insurers and related organizations to suspend preauthorization requirements for scheduled surgeries or admissions to hospitals, concurrent and retrospective review for inpatient hospital services, and preauthorization requirements for post-acute placements. It also urges insurers to waive credentialing by location for payers and pay claims as soon as possible, and it encourages TPA licensed by the Department to apply these temporary suspensions to their self-funded plans.

3/25/2020 News Release - Health - Urges Georgians who believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 and/or are showing symptoms to take advantage of telemedicine options available through their health insurers.

3/24/2020 Georgia Bulletin No. 20-EX-4 - All Insurers - Identifies insurance services as critical infrastructure and requests counties and municipalities across GA that close nonessential businesses consider insurance services as essential business. It further provides a list of core insurance functions that require individuals on-site.

3/20/2020 Georgia Directive 20-EX-5 - All Insurers - Directs P&C insurers, for the next 60 days, to refrain from canceling for nonpayment, any commercial policies that include business interruption or business income coverage. Directs health insurers, for the next 60 days to refrain from cancelling policies for non-payment.  The Department is making temporary accommodations for certain insurer filing requirements and is suspending in-person interactions, including exams and audits. Provides an expedited review process for products that are critical due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

3/17/2020 Georgia Bulletin No. 20-EX-3 - Business Interruption - Addresses business interruption insurance coverage and COVID-19, including endorsement forms relating to business interruption insurance and COVID-19.

3/17/2020 Georgia Directive No. 20-EX-4 - Health/Business Interruption/Agents - Provides additional financial protections for testing, creation of an expedited review process for carriers offering business interruption coverage tailored to COVID-19 and waiver of continuing ed requirements for certain agents through April 30, 2020.

3/9/2020 Georgia Directive No. 20-EX-3 - Health - Directs insurers to waive certain costs related to testing for COVID-19, and to provide updates to the Department regarding steps taken.